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Do German Shepherd Dogs get along with Cats?

This is one of the most frequent questions I’m asked from cat owners who are considering getting a puppy.
This post will address bringing an adult German Shepherd into the home when there is a family cat already there.
One of our GSD owners , Libby , shared how she was successful bringing Zeke into their home to live with their kitty Tubby.

Zeke and Tubby are now best friends 💕

  1. Kept Zeke on leash and introduced them in a room where Tubby had high place to run to where Zeke couldn’t reach him
  2. One Zeke was calmer, took him off leash while Tubby was still out of reach and did some site and lays where they could see each other just outside the door to Tubby’s safe room
  3. Left the door cracked so Zeke could get used to Tubby’s smell and put Tubby’s blankets in Zeke’s kennel
  4. Held Tubby and talked to Zeke in his kennel, then eventually with him outside the kennel in a sit, and showing him we cared for the kitty
  5. Left Tubby’s door open with Zeke in his kennel so Tubby would start to come down and Zeke could get used to him moving around the house.
  6. Did another on-leash introduction with Tubby on the counter, always letting Tubby approach Zeke, and never the other way around speaking calmly and giving Zeke treats while he behaved
  7. Started leaving the door open and keeping Zeke in laying holds while Tubby walked around.  Eventually, he figured out Tubby wasn’t prey and Tubby learned that Zeke wasn’t a threat

Thank you for your interest in Kaiser German Shepherds. You can reach us via the contact form below and we will get back with you as soon as possible. If you do not hear from us within a few business days please email us directly at On some occasions we travel for extended weekends to show and title our dogs around the United States.

We look forward to talking with you!


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